Photo courtesy of Idaho Parks and Recreation - Hells Gate State Park
Clearwater Mold Removal in Lewiston, Idaho
Click for sample photos of attic mold removal:


Vin Howell, owner
35 years of experience!

208-790-2676 cell

Specializing in
mold remediation.

"Serving the Clearwater Region over for 26 Years"

RSA Mold

Insurance Work Welcomed!


Mold issues BEFORE:

Mold issues AFTER:
Please contact us now for more information and FREE estimates:  

Mold education for Lewiston, ID and Central Idaho:

          Mold can be a serious problem that causes both structural issues and health problems if left untreated. Although mold removal is required to make your home or business safe again, it must be removed very carefully to avoid causing more health hazards and to prevent spores form  spreading to other areas of your structure.   Once it is determined that there is a mold problem, including evaluation, removal and disposal, should only be be completed by certified technicians utilizing the appropriate  safety equipment.  Attic mold removal is one of the biggest problems within our region. Our certified technicians (RSA Certified)  has the training , experience, and  equipment needed to safely resolve your mold issues, of any size.  Using safety equipment, our  trained personal analyze your mold problem to determine the best course of action to take.  In addition the mold you can visibly see  can also grow in areas that you can not see with the naked eye.  We will perform a through examination of the area using specialized equipment to help locate hidden mold.  Once all of the mold has been identified, we will thoroughly kill, remove, sanitize, and disinfect the affected areas and dispose of the mold.   We will analyze your problem take pictures address the problem and recommend the correct ventilation for your attic or crawl space etc what ever the situation calls for. Avoid health risks associated with molds and leave mold removal to professionals.  Clearwater Mold Removal your source for excellent mold removal.  Call us today at 208 790-2676 to schedule an estimate.      

Can mold cause health problems?

          Molds are usually not a problem indoors, unless mold spores land on a wet or damp spot and begin growing. Molds have the potential to cause health problems. Molds produce allergens (substances that can cause allergic reactions), irritants, and in some cases, potentially toxic substances (mycotoxins). Inhaling or touching mold or mold spores may cause allergic reactions in sensitive individuals. Allergic responses include hay fever-type symptoms, such as sneezing, runny nose, red eyes, and skin rash (dermatitis).

Mold problems in attics and crawl space:

          Attics and crawl spaces are not technically counted as “livable space” in a home, as very little time is spent in them. “Out of sight, out of mind” is a big reason that crawlspace mold and attic mold is so common. Be careful not to ignore these areas when taking care of your own home or purchasing a new one.

         Make sure you have proper insulation and ventilation in your attic, because attic mold problems are difficult and expensive to fix. All those tight spaces and protruding nails make it difficult to work.

        Most attic mold problems we see are not caused by roof leaks but by attic (soffit) vents being improperly covered by insulation. Without proper ventilation, moisture gets trapped in your attic and leads to mold growth.

       Attic mold removal is one of the biggest problems within our region. Attic mold and crawl space mold is often caused by inadequate ventilation. As a general rule, ensure one square foot of ventilation per 300 feet square of attic floor is needed. For crawl spaces, we recommend at least 1 square foot of ventilation for every 300 square feet of crawl space area. Building codes vary by area so check with your municipality first prior to installing ventilation.

         Attics and crawl spaces, like unfinished basements, are often ignored because they are rarely visited. Check on your attic at least once every three months so you can catch any problems early before they get to be too big and expensive.

         Make sure plumbing stacks, and vents of any kind ( from kitchen, bathroom, clothes dryer, etc) vent outside your house, not inside your attic. Otherwise, moisture and hazardous gases in the plumbing vents can build up in your attic, leading to mold growth.

         Many homeowners do not even realize they have mold in their attic or crawl space until a home inspector or appraiser brings it to their attention when they're trying to sell their home. Mold has killed countless real estate transactions. Prevent this from happening to you by checking your attic and crawl space at least once every three months.

         A vapor barrier on top of a dirt crawl space beneath your home is a must if you want to prevent mold growth. A vapor barrier is usually a thick piece of plastic that covers the dirt under your home.

         Mold in a crawl space is as common as in any part of your home due to the high moisture and humidity levels often found in these spaces. We've read studies that estimate a whopping 50 percent of homes have mold in their crawl spaces.

         You do not need standing water in crawl spaces to trigger mold growth. Humidity levels above 60 percent are enough to cause crawl space mold growth. High humidity levels are very common in crawl spaces even in the absence of flooding.

         Make sure there are no holes or cracks in the ceiling of your crawl space. These holes can be a gateway for mold and water transport from the crawl space to your living area since air rises.

         In vented crawl spaces, insulate tightly against the sub floor. Secure the insulation snugly with mechanical fasteners. Do not just stuff the insulation up in the sub floor between the joists and hope it stays. Without fasteners, it will likely fall out. The vapor barrier portion of the insulation (e.g. the paper side) should face the heated source, which typically means upward against the sub-floor

Mold and building materials:

         Drywall is basically gypsum dust sandwiched between two layers of paper. Mold loves to feed on this drywall paper. Drywall also absorbs water well. The fact that drywall provides a food source (the paper) and is highly absorbent to moisture, makes it especially prone to mold growth. If you have a flood or other water damage, you must dry out the drywall on both sides—inside and out—or mold growth will occur.

Moisture in wood:

           In some circumstances, the moisture in wood may contribute to mold growth, such as when the evaporating moisture is trapped and condenses on the surface. Once the moisture content of wood declines to less than 20 percent, it will no longer support mold growth. Lumber used in construction typically dries to below 20 percent moisture content before the structure is enclosed.

          There are many ways to control the moisture in wood and block the formation of mold. The best long-term protection against mold growth is lowering the moisture content of wood to below 20 percent and keeping other sources of moisture away from the wood.


"As a home inspector one of the common problems I run into is mold in the homes I am inspecting. The problem typically shows up in the attics and crawlspaces of homes that have not been properly ventilated. The most common scenario is homeowners discharging the bathroom and kitchen vents into the attic, but not out of the house. Additionally, I will find the crawlspace with inadequate ventilation and no moisture barrier. The moisture in the crawlspace will migrate to the attic and condense out onto the attic sheathing. The mold growth will soon follow. I had mentioned this to Mr. Howell a number of years ago and he informed me that he could easily remediate this problem.

At a later date upon finding mold in a client’s attic I mentioned that Clearwater Mold Removal could remediate the problem and they should give them a call. I did not know that the client contacted Clearwater Mold Removal until I was called to re-inspect the attic in conjunction with completing of the sales transaction. I inspected the attic and was totally amazed to see the attic surface looking like new. If I did not have the before and after photos, I would not have believed it possible to completely clean the sheathing surfaces so as to not leave a trace of the previous mold issue.

I could go on, but I believe anyone reading this letter understands that I have complete and total confidence in Clearwater Mold Removal to perform whatever service they are called upon in a competent and professional manner. I have re-inspected many of the homes in which they have performed many mold remediation jobs, and I have always been impressed with their attention to detail. I strongly endorse Clearwater Mold Removal and I believe you will be as satisfied with their service as I have been."

Dean Kalmukos, Consulting Home Inspector
K&K Consultants, Lewiston, Idaho


"I have had the pleasure to work with Vin (Clearwater Mold Removal) over the past 4 years within the Real Estate industry. Vin is multifaceted in his expertise. From experience with Vin taking care of multiple mold remediation jobs, from small to large, Vin has never let me down. Each job Vin and his crew have come in and completely remediated any situation given to him. He is on time, efficient and gets the job done to the highest standards.  Clearwater Mold Removal has performed  ample amount of mold remediation jobs for me,  I can't speak highly enough about Vin and his company. I strongly recommend him!"

 Jessica Bean
CENTURY 21 Price Right

RSA Mold Remediation Certified                                                                         Back to the Top
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         Clearwater Mold Removal
 1304 29th St. Lewiston Id. 83501      208-790-2676 phone
 Hours: 8:00am - 5:00pm     pacific standard time
 Please contact us for a quick estimate and prompt service.